Readers' Stories...
Below are our articles on the subject of Readers' Stories. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

A Father's Fight for Contact With His Boys
Reader's story about an uncomfortable split in a relationship, followed by a difficult fight for contact with his children....

A Separated Dad's Story of How He Got Residency Rights
A reader's story of how he got through a divorce and custody battle, with the help of his solicitor and Cafcass officer....

How My Story Might Make Separated Parents Think
A reader's story of how his ex partner duped him into believing his son was dead....

I Won Full Time Care of My Daughter
A reader's account of how he fought against the odds, to get full time care of his young daughter when he and his wife split up....

My Positive Experience of Cafcass
Read one father's positive experience of Cafcass and how they helped him to gain shared residency for his children....

Separated Dads News/Blog
Our blog, with news and comments about being a separated dad....