Help, Advice & Support for Separated Fathers...
Being separated from your children is tough if you're a dad. We're here to help with all aspects from emotional to financial to legal. Try our lively comments section at the end of each article to seek individual help, or share your own experiences.
July's Most Popular Articles...
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Case Studies
Case Studies: How We Communicate Through Mediation: A Case Study, The Importance of...
Communication: Joint Projects to Help You Bond With Your Child, Relationships With...
Download Guides
Download Guides: The Separated Dads Parental Responsibility Guide and Letters...
Emotional: Checklist: the Emotional Stages After Separation, Dealing With Being...
Financial: Working With the CSA on Support Payments, How Many Fathers Don't Pay...
Legal: Do You Know Your Rights as a Father?, Lobby Your MP About Fathers'...
Lies in Separation
Lies in Separation: Being Falsely Accused of Rape, Being Falsely Accused of Child Abuse,...
Negotiation: Arranging to Take Your Child on Holiday, Checklist: 10 Rules of...
Practicalities: Building a Routine After Separation, Planning Children's Parties,...
Psychology: How to Improve Relations With Your Child's Mother, Developing the...
Readers' Stories
Readers' Stories: My Positive Experience of Cafcass, A Separated Dad's Story of How He...
Separation: Dealing With Your Ex Partner and Child Moving Away, Missing Important...
The Court Process
The Court Process: What Happens at Family Court?, Representing Yourself in Court,...
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