Below are our articles on the subject of Legal. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Benefits System and Shared Parenting
Separated Dads' letter to the government has so far (4 weeks in) only received an acknowledgement from no.10, but an MP has raised a new early day motion on the…...

Breach of Contact or Residence Order: What to Do
How do you know if a contact or residence order (now a child arrangements order) has been breached? What should you do if your ex partner is constantly breaching a…...

Cafcass Staff: A Broad Cross Section of Society?
Every year, Cafcass officers are the subject of many complaints from people who have dealings with them. Find out about the main concerns and suggestions for reform here....

Can I Leave the CSA and Come to a Private Arrangement?
You can now leave the CSA and come to a private arrangement if the parent with care is on benefits. Find out how to do this here....

Can My Ex Change My Children's Names?
Advice on what to do if your ex wants to change your child's name, for whom you have parental responsibility....

Changing Your Child's Surname
Your ex-partner may wish to change your child's surname to a new family name. They usually cannot change a child's surname unless both parents agree, or a Court allows…...

Changing Your Will to Favour Your Children After Divorce
One vital thing to consider after separation is changing your will to ensure that your children inherit your assets when you die....

Contact Orders: the Process
If you are a father wanting to see your children, then you may only have the option of applying for a Contact Order through the Courts. You will need to understand the…...

Divorce and Contempt of Court
Find out what happens if a party to divorce proceedings breaches a court order or if they are disrespectful of the court proceedings, and how to rectify the issue if…...

Divorce and Perjury
If a party to court proceedings lies under oath, they are guilty of perjury. This can be a common complaint in divorce proceedings but the difficulty lies in proving…...

Divorce and Perverting the Course of Justice
It is possible to pervert the course of justice in the context of divorce proceedings. The penalties can be extremely severe. Find out how to avoid committing a…...

Divorce and Separation: The Law in Scotland
The divorce law in Scotland is different from that in England and Wales. Understanding the procedures and facts of Scottish divorce law is essential for separating…...

Do You Know Your Rights as a Father?
Having never planned to be in this position before, you are probably unsure of exactly where your rights and responsibilities lie. Find out all about your rights as a…...

Does Having a Good Lawyer Help?
What qualities make a good lawyer, and what should he or she achieve on your behalf?...

Duty of Care: When Your Solicitor Won't Contact You
Is your family law solicitor ignoring your calls? Do you feel as though you're being kept in the dark as to the progress of your case? Find out what you are entitled…...

Ensuring Your Children Are Cared for if You Die
How do you ensure your children are looked after if you become seriously ill or in the event of your death? What if you are separated or divorced from their other…...

Equality in the Family Courts: Letter from Separated Dads to P.M
An open letter to the government, opposition leaders and newspapers demanding action on fathers' treatment in the family courts....

Ex Wants to Take Child to Live in an EU Country: What Are My Rights?
Keeping childcare arrangements amicable is possible if you live near each other, but what happens if your ex wants to go and live elsewhere in the EU? Here is a guest…...

How Divorce Works For Fathers
Divorce is the legal end to marriage. It can be simple or difficult, depending on the level of acrimony, including arrangements for your children....

How to Write Your Statement for Court
When applying for or contesting a child residence or contact order, you may be required to write a statement detailing what you wish to say in court....

How Visitation Rights Work For Fathers
There are several ways to arrange contact between you and your children, ranging from an agreement between you and your ex to a Contact Order from the family court....

Legal Aid Withdrawal: How to Represent Yourself
Being a litigant in person in a family law case is becoming more common since the withdrawal of public funding. There are some imminent changes in the law that you…...

Lobby Your MP About Fathers' Rights
Are you frustrated about an issue that's affected you as a separated parent? You should consider writing to your MP. If enough people do this, it could have an impact.…...

Mediation as a Solution for Child Custody and Visitation
Mediation can be an inexpensive way to sort out the problems of separation, especially those relating to your children, such as contact and residence arrangements....

Parental Responsibility: Have it? Need it? Get it.
Written by a qualified barrister, this guide to parental responsibility will help you understand your rights (and responsibilities) as a separated parent....

Paternal Grandparents' Rights
Paternal grandparents are in legal limbo after a couple breaks up, with no right of access to their grandchildren....

Paternity and the Law
If you are about to become a father, then you will want to know your rights with regards to your employment; striking a balance between this and your family life....

Recommended Reading For Separated Dads
A guide to what to read if you are a separated dad including emotion, support, finances and court....

Response from Ed Balls to Our Letter
Here is the response to our letter to Ed Balls about equal rights for fathers....

Separation Rights for Fathers
If you weren’t married to your partner, and your name isn’t on the birth certificates of your children, you could receive a nasty shock when it comes to contact with…...

Shared Custody of Your Children
Shared custody or shared residency as it's often known, is a relatively new idea in the UK, but one which has been shown to bring more security to children after the…...

The Equality Act 2010: What it Can Do for You
The Equality Act 2010 is intended to make life fairer for everyone. Read an introduction to the new law here and find out how you and others could benefit....

Unsupervised Contact: Taking Along Family Members
Who can attend unsupervised contact? Here are some possible approaches that parties might take to facilitate contact with other family members....

Using a McKenzie Friend in Court
A McKenzie Friend is a non-legally qualified person who can sit with your during a court a hearing - not as a representative but to offer advice and assistance. Find…...

What Are Barring Orders?
If you are a party to a Section 91(14) or Barring Order, you will need to know the consequences and how to best approach an application in the courts....

What Goes into the Cafcass Family Report?
The Cafcass report is an important document in family court, but who puts it together, and what goes into it?...

What Happens If My Ex Keeps the Children Without My Consent?
This article outlines your rights if your ex keeps your child without your permission or consent....

What is Abduction?
It is important to know the law concerning adoption when taking your child abroad. This information may also be useful if your child's mother is considering emigrating…...

When Ex Changes Locks on Jointly Owned Property
There is not a lot to stop an owner of a property changing locks. The problems arise when one joint owner deprives another of access to a property......

When Your Ex Emigrates With Your Children
What happens when your ex wants to return to her home country or emigrate with your children? What can you do about it? Louise Halford explains in this guest article....

When Your Ex-Partner Denies You Access
If your ex denies you access to your children, it can seem like a staggering blow. But following these steps can help you see your kids....

Which Court Form Do I Need?
Which court form do I need? A guide to some of the court orders that a separated father may want to apply for and the court forms needed....

Your Right to Be Kept Informed About Your Child: A Guide
If you are struggling to get access to your child's medical and education information, there are a number of actions to try before Court Action...

Your Rights if You Win Custody of Your Children
There are times when the father might be granted custody, but they are few and far between, and the mother can always go back to court later....

Your Separated Father's Rights
These are your rights as a separated father, both what you can do and the responsibilities expected of you....