Below are our articles on the subject of Communication. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Communication With Your Children
Keeping close to your kids requires talking, which can be hard with limited contact. But there are many avenues you can use to keep in touch....

How Visitation Rights Work For Fathers
There are several ways to arrange contact between you and your children, ranging from an agreement between you and your ex to a Contact Order from the family court....

Introducing a New Partner to Your Children
When you find a new partner, introduce her gradually to you children and the let the relationship between them develop naturally....

Joint Projects to Help You Bond With Your Child
As well as your regular contact, it can be a good idea to start some projects that allow you both to bond while you are apart from your children....

Mediation: What is it and is it For Me?
Mediation is most often used in family proceedings, contact orders, residence agreements and divorce. It is a formal negotiation and courts can accept the agreement of…...

Parental Responsibility: Have it? Need it? Get it.
Written by a qualified barrister, this guide to parental responsibility will help you understand your rights (and responsibilities) as a separated parent....

Relationships With Your Ex-Partner
After a split, relations with your ex-partner can often go through a cycle ending in friendship, although this isn’t always the case....

Talking to Kids About Your Separation From Them
It’s not easy telling your children that you and your partner are separating. But these steps can help ease a traumatic time for everyone....

Talking to Your Child About You Having More Children
Your children can feel threatened when you tell them your new partner is expecting a baby. But there are ways you can keep the bond with your kids strong and part of…...

Unsupervised Contact: Taking Along Family Members
Who can attend unsupervised contact? Here are some possible approaches that parties might take to facilitate contact with other family members....

What Happens If My Ex Keeps the Children Without My Consent?
This article outlines your rights if your ex keeps your child without your permission or consent....

What Organisations Help With Rights for Dads?
There are plenty of groups for separated mothers, but there are also groups out there to help separated and divorced fathers....

What to Do Between Contact Sessions
How fathers can plan for contact sessions with their children, and how to make sure you all keep busy!...