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Re: How Do I Find My Children's New Address?
@jay.they can go to Gordon if you want a father he’s( probably the bio father anyway )she was sleeping with him the…
Re: How Do I Find My Children's New Address?
@jay.they can buy there own fish and chips .they can put there big girl pants on get a job and support there own…
Re: How Do I Find My Children's New Address?
@jay.hey bro I never paid cent in child support and never had the burden off looking after kid and now that they…
Re: How Do I Find My Children's New Address?
Hi. I have twin boys who are now 19years. I have not seen them since they were 9years old as their mum and family…
Re: How Do I Find My Children's New Address?
@n/a .in my situation I don’t ever want to meet my daughter I made that decision many years ago .even if she wanted…
Re: How Do I Find My Children's New Address?
@ n/a .you are probably going to kick the bucket bro and go the glory .before you find them 75 years old and unwell…
Re: How Do I Find My Children's New Address?
I have not seen my children for 20 years. My wife died and my stepson caused chaos. I am now 75 , unwell. I need to…
Re: When Your Ex Gets a New Partner
SPELL CASTER TO WIN BACK YOUR EX LOVER AND MAKE IT LAST FOREVER... Hello everyone. I am from Santa Monica I never ever…
Re: At What Age Do Child Maintenance Payments Stop?
Can anyone help. I pay child maintenance to my ex wife however my costs are higher than hers. The…
Re: What Organisations Help With Rights for Dads?
@jon,i don’t care about this adult kid ,in reality we are (complete strangers on both sides there is zero…