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Guide to Court 1: 1st Hearing; Court Forms & Statement

By: Abigail Taylor - Updated: 21 Dec 2022 | comments*Discuss
Court Hearing Forms Application

In our series of guides we hope to arm you with enough information to be able to understand the legal issues and achieve your objective in the easiest way possible. Our going to court guide is in 3 parts. You can download the entire guide (see below) or you can read it here it on the site. Part one of the guide covers:

  • The court process
  • With notice and without notice hearings
  • Completing court forms
  • Writing the court statement

The court process

In an ideal world, you and your ex partner would have an amicable relationship and be able to resolve any issues (particularly where your children are concerned) out of court. Unfortunately that is not always achievable and it may be necessary to apply to the courts to resolve disputes.

There are several court orders available to you, including:

  • Prohibited steps order (stopping a party doing something)
  • Mandatory order (making a party do something)
  • Contact order (making a party allow another party contact with a child)
  • Residence order (stating who a child will live with and when)

The process of applying to court and conducting proceedings varies slightly depending upon which order you are applying for and the circumstances in which it is made. The two main processes are set out below:

1. With notice hearing

This is the usual type of hearing where the other side is informed of your application and both sides attend court.

(1.) Complete the relevant application and file to the relevant court. (This will depend on where you live but generally be your local County Court or Family Proceedings Court).

(2.) A copy of your application is served on other party known as the Respondent. (This will usually be the other parent of your children).

(3.) A first hearing is scheduled. Before this hearing you may be invited to attend a Cafcass meeting. This is a brief meeting with a Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service officer who is experienced in dealing with all court cases involving children. At this meeting the officer will listen to both parties and try help you to reach an agreement regarding any issues.

(4.) The first hearing will be conducted by a Judge. This hearing will briefly outline any areas of agreement and dispute. The Judge may also ask the Cafcass officer for advice on the issues in the case. It is normal for parents not to speak to the judge at this brief hearing which is really more administrative than a time to rule on issues. It is common for the judge to then ask the Cafcass officer to draft a detailed report on the case.

(5.) You may ask for an order during the interim period between first and final hearing as this can be several months. For example the judge may order weekly supervised contact while the case is still ongoing over whether you should be given unsupervised contact.

(6.) The Cafcass report will be sent to both parents once completed (though this often takes 12-16 weeks). The Cafcass officer will usually speak to both parents, any other relevant relatives, the child's school, and (dependant on the child's age) the child themselves in preparing their report. They may also observe interaction between the parents and their child/children.

(7.) The court will nearly always follow the Cafcass officer's recommendations and so many parents choose to simply implement the recommendations in the report rather than continue to argue issues in court.

(8.) If no agreement is reached, a final hearing is held. This will be conducted by a judge (not necessarily the same one as at the first hearing though). The judge will hear evidence from the parents, the Cafcass officer and any other relevant witnesses before making a decision and granting / not granting an order.

2. Without notice hearing

This process is used in more urgent applications, such as where a child needs to be removed from one person's care due to allegations of abuse. You may not have time due to the urgency of the matter to inform the other side officially.

(1.) Complete the relevant application and file to the relevant court. (This will depend on where you live but generally be your local County Court or Family Proceedings Court). This WILL NOT normally be served on the other party where allegations by their nature need to remain secret (e.g. where it is alleged one parent is about to take the child to live abroad permanently without permission).

(2.) A first hearing is scheduled. Usually this will be urgent and so may be scheduled for the same day as the application is made. Often judges hear without notice family applications first thing, or after lunch before their ongoing cases or trials resume. If the application is extremely urgent, they may even break off whatever case they were hearing to hear your application. Only the applying party will normally be present.

(3.) The Judge will usually make a ruling on your application which will last until a final hearing is arranged with both parties present.

(4.) A final hearing will be arranged and the other party sent notice of it along with copies of your application and the decision at the without notice hearing. The judge will hear evidence from both the parents, a Cafcass officer and any other relevant witnesses before making a decision at this stage. They may then confirm or vary the interim order they made at the without notice hearing.

What will the court consider in reaching their decision?

When a judge makes a decision in a family law case, they must consider every element of what is called 'the welfare checklist'. This includes:

  • The wishes and feelings of the child (if they are old enough for this to be ascertained)
  • The likely effect of any changes on the child
  • The particular needs of the child (eg any disabilities or special needs)
  • The ability of the parents or carers to meet the needs of the child
  • The harm that the child has suffered or is at risk of suffering
  • Any characteristics such as religion or sex that the court considers relevant
  • The child's educational needs (if of schooling age)

It is important to note that the court will not make an order where the effect of not doing so is no worse than making the order. This is called the 'no order principle'. You therefore need to show in any application that the order applied for is really necessary and in the child's best interests.

Court forms

To start every court application you will need to fill in and file the relevant form. The courts have a wide range of orders available but you must use the correct form when applying.

Perhaps unhelpfully the forms all have a letter and numerical code which can make choosing the right form a bit tricky. Below is a description of which orders need which forms:

  • Contact Order C100 - You want to see your children but your ex partner won't let you
  • Residence Order C100 - You want your children to live with you
  • Anything regarding abuse C1A - You are making specific allegations of abuse of your children by a family member
  • Parental Responsibility Order C1 - You want to have formal parental responsibility for your children
  • Parental Responsibility Order (step-children) C(PRA2)- You want formal parental responsibility for your step-children
  • Prohibited Steps Order C100 - You want to stop your ex partner doing something
  • Enforcement Order C79 - You have an order but your ex partner is not complying with it
  • Cancel or vary Enforcement Order C79 - You have an Enforcement Order against you and you want the court to cancel or vary it
  • Care or Supervision Order C110 - This formalises the involvement required by the Local Authority in your child's care

All of these court forms are available online at: www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedure-rules/family/formspage

Many of the forms also have a helpful 'Notes' guide (also online to download) which will help you fill out the form. It is important that forms are filled out correctly so court time (and your money) is not wasted. Read the checklists (including those for practitioners) carefully and ensure all the essential information is completed fully and clearly.

Most forms will have a section asking:

"Why are you making this application?"

It is often tempting to write every bit of information relevant to your application in this box, and you are allowed to use additional sheets of paper if necessary. However, remember that the judge will not have long to read this application and so will want this box to just be an overview of your application.

An example:

We have an agreement that I look after my two children (aged 8 and 12 years) Thursday to Sunday. My ex partner looks after the children Sunday to Thursday.

I would like this to be reversed for the following reasons:

  • My house is 10 minutes walk from the children's school. My ex partner lives 45 minutes drive away.
  • I am able to take the children to school for their 8:30am start and pick them up at 4pm as I work 9am to 3:30pm Monday to Friday. My ex partner has to drop them off at breakfast club for 7:30am and pick them up from after school club at 6pm, giving them a very long day.
  • My ex partner is out of an evening frequently during the week and so the children have a babysitter. It would be cheaper and more beneficial for them to spend that time with me

My ex partner says that she will alter her working hours but she has said this before and was unable to do so. She does not work Friday to Sunday and so we would both end up with more time with our children by this alteration.

You do not need to include evidence of everything alleged in this application but can refer to that in your later statement. Keep a copy of your completed form so you can refer to it at a later date if necessary.

Writing a court statement

A court statement is often used in addition to your application to set out your case in full, or to respond to your ex partner's application to the court.

There are specific rules about how a court statement must be written (in the Family Proceedings Rules 1991):

  • On the top left of the document, put the court dealing with your case in capital letters.
  • On the top right of the document put the case number (provided by the court on all correspondence to you)
  • At the top, middle of the document put the names of the parties
  • At the right next to the party name, label them 'Petitioner' or 'Applicant' and 'Respondent'. (The Petitioner is the person who applied for the application and the Respondent the person replying to it. The petitioner's name is always first, even if you are the Respondent.)
  • In the middle put a title summarising the purpose of the document (e.g. 'Respondent's Statement about Child's Residence')
  • At the end of your statement you must sign and date a declaration that you believe your statement is true and know it may be used by the court. (e.g. 'I confirm that the contents of this statement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and further that I understand that this statement will be placed before the Court as evidence.')

It is up to you what exactly you put in your statement and of course this will vary depending on the purpose of the statement and the facts of your case. It is however, always a good idea to have an introduction in which you outline your reason for making the statement and what you want the court to do so it doesn't get "lost" in the rest of the content.

Evidence is key to proving the truth of anything said, so try outlining points in your statement using this formula:

General proposition:

  • Point 1 - Evidence 1, Evidence 2
  • Point 2 - Evidence 1, Evidence 2

For example:

Wife's behaviour is unacceptable - Children left alone in house while she is out at pub
(Statement from wife's neighbour and statement from teacher of what children have told her)

Strange men invited back to the house regularly
(Statement from wife's neighbour)

Make sure you proof read your statement as this is your evidence and so you will have to stick by it in court. If you don't know something personally, say so and state how you do know it. Do not put something which you do not believe to be true (remember your signed statement). If you suddenly change this evidence in court it could make you look untruthful and damage your case.

Read on to part 2 of our guide to court which will help you create your skeleton argument and use character references effectively.

And Finally...

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Getting your Ex wife/husband back is possible. Getting your Ex boyfriend/girlfriend back is possible. Am so excited to share my testimony of a spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My husband and I have been married for about 6 years now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone else. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cared about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr.Excellent can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him on WhatsApp and told him my problems and he told me what to do and I did it and he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr.Excellent If you have any problem contact him and I guarantee you that he will help you. He will not disappoint you. you can WhatsApp him at +2348084273514 ,or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail. com
cindybyrd - 21-Dec-22 @ 8:05 AM
@loz.so this it for me been (good )to learn about (fathers rights) .but I have no use for them in (reality 10 years to late for me ).but it’s always good to learn new things .(might put my mind to something else now that I can achieve).
Chris - 15-Nov-19 @ 6:07 PM
@loz.i feel with the 10 years off no contact is to long for any legal action now .so all I can do is wish them well in life .I have (politely )ask for (my surname) to be removed from( all legal documents off the child never got a reply but I hope they do ) as I feel with the time frame there is no need for the child to be using it and would be (a lot smarter) to go under her (mothers name or partners name ).and keep the (no contact rule) in place it’s best for everyone .then everyone can live a (peaceful life away from fights that will never be resolved .
Chris - 15-Nov-19 @ 5:35 PM
@loz.i won’t to be going to (court for visitation) because the child is (15 ).but with the (knowledge )I have now about my rights .i would advise fathers out there to (go for it ).i didn’t know about my rights years ago plus I was in a lot off trouble (orders).so I (stay clear well clear)i don’t have any (contact or will ever contact them) .they have there life I have mine. that’s the way I see it now .so i am one off those fathers that don’t see there kids but there are (millions off us and it’s the end off the world) .she is a good mother plus it don’t matter anymore the child is growen up with her own life .(not much I can do about that now ).but if ever have another child I would know what to do get a (solicitor).
Chris - 15-Nov-19 @ 4:54 PM
Do you require solicitor representation for a prohibited steps order
Loz - 14-Nov-19 @ 8:12 PM
Hi I been I had two very unfair court hearing and both my children were taken off me 6 years ago.i recently went to court for more access.cafcass worker was same one I had 6 years ago and even told me to shut up even though I wasn't speaking.my daughters dad is a compulsive liar and lies through his teeth about me.reason I had my children taken off me was because I was diagnosed with a personality disorder.anything I said I was accused of losing.i was the only one telling the truth.im asking if there is someone high up I can tell as it's total discrimination and the dad got away Scot free from compulsive luring.
Janey - 10-Oct-19 @ 1:02 PM
How to start family (children) matter in high court? What form is required? Application to list matter in family court is being rejected again and again by circuit judge. Don't want to go there again. Want to make application in high court family division . Appeal court also did not consider the application against circuit judge.
Nx - 31-Jul-19 @ 2:34 PM
Hi. I was with my partner for 8/9 years it was a volatile relationship he was very controlling and abusive police have been involved and he has been arrested and released without charge. We have two children together. We seperated and tried to reconcile but he is not willing to put the family first he is very angry and cannot leave the past behind, he won't take responsibility for any of his actions and he always blames others for his mistakes. He wouldn't accept help when we reconciled and he still continued to sit on his phone continuously throughout the day/night which is one of the major issues in the relationship in the first place due to him being unfaithful in past and sleeping with a prostitute and sending pictures of his privates to people. He blames me for this and says I drove him to it. I lost my mum and dad and whilst they were very ill and dying he was on dating websites. I have 4 children and my previous ex father of my eldest two has constantly caused trouble from day one and its still going through court now 12 years later. Relationships are hard, daily life is hard and loosing both parents did cause me extreme anxiety and depression which I am seeking help for through my doctors..I personally think that no matter how somone treats you if you don't want to be with them then don't but don't get cheating on them behind their back, the grass is not always greener on the other side. I am a good kind loyal person, yes I get cross, yes I tell my children off and yes I struggle with life sometimes but I have always been a good partner supportive caring and kind. We recently split again due to his lack of change and commitment and I feel that his not willing to better ourselves as a family and wants to live on benefits. He says he is dying although his heart echocardiogram came back find his now having ct scans for copd which he thinks he now has. He is always diagnosing himself with something off the internet and when he mentions this to the doctors and has tests they tell him not to read into things and test results are all normal. He says he is dying and talks about going abroad for assisted suicide as he cannot live like this anymore I have all this in emails. He says I am a bad mother and that I have abused and controlled him for the whole time we were in a relationship together. We have a lot of outstanding debts which I have asked him to split but he refuses even though I have said I'll go to a small claims court. Anyway we have split again and now he lives quite away from me and the children. I have offered him 1 phone a week on a Friday and I have also enquired about two contact centres which can facilitate contact for him quite quickly.I have set the ball rolling so to speak but he is refusing this contact centre and won't go to one. What can I do now any advice please
Sharon - 5-Jun-19 @ 8:23 PM
Hi. I was with my partner for 8/9 years it was a volatile relationship he was very controlling and abusive police have been involved and he has been arrested and released without charge. We have two children together. We seperated and tried to reconcile but he is not willing to put the family first he is very angry and cannot leave the past behind, he won't take responsibility for any of his actions and he always blames others for his mistakes. He wouldn't accept help when we reconciled and he still continued to sit on his phone continuously throughout the day/night which is one of the major issues in the relationship in the first place due to him being unfaithful in past and sleeping with a prostitute and sending pictures of his privates to people. He blames me for this and says I drove him to it. I lost my mum and dad and whilst they were very ill and dying he was on dating websites. I have 4 children and my previous ex father of my eldest two has constantly caused trouble from day one and its still going through court now 12 years later. Relationships are hard, daily life is hard and loosing both parents did cause me extreme anxiety and depression which I am seeking help for through my doctors..I personally think that no matter how somone treats you if you don't want to be with them then don't but don't get cheating on them behind their back, the grass is not always greener on the other side. I am a good kind loyal person, yes I get cross, yes I tell my children off and yes I struggle with life sometimes but I have always been a good partner supportive caring and kind. We recently split again due to his lack of change and commitment and I feel that his not willing to better ourselves as a family and wants to live on benefits. He says he is dying although his heart echocardiogram came back find his now having ct scans for copd which he thinks he now has. He is always diagnosing himself with something off the internet and when he mentions this to the doctors and has tests they tell him not to read into things and test results are all normal. He says he is dying and talks about going abroad for assisted suicide as he cannot live like this anymore I have all this in emails. He says I am a bad mother and that I have abused and controlled him for the whole time we were in a relationship together. We have a lot of outstanding debts which I have asked him to split but he refuses even though I have said I'll go to a small claims court. Anyway we have split again and now he lives quite away from me and the children. I have offered him 1 phone a week on a Friday and I have also enquired about two contact centres which can facilitate contact for him quite quickly.I have set the ball rolling so to speak but he is refusing this contact centre and won't go to one. What can I do now any advice please
Sharon - 5-Jun-19 @ 2:12 PM
Hi. I was with my partner for 8/9 years it was a volatile relationship he was very controlling and abusive police have been involved and he has been arrested and released without charge. We have two children together. We seperated and tried to reconcile but he is not willing to put the family first he is very angry and cannot leave the past behind, he won't take responsibility for any of his actions and he always blames others for his mistakes. He wouldn't accept help when we reconciled and he still continued to sit on his phone continuously throughout the day/night which is one of the major issues in the relationship in the first place due to him being unfaithful in past and sleeping with a prostitute and sending pictures of his privates to people. He blames me for this and says I drove him to it. I lost my mum and dad and whilst they were very ill and dying he was on dating websites. I have 4 children and my previous ex father of my eldest two has constantly caused trouble from day one and its still going through court now 12 years later. Relationships are hard, daily life is hard and loosing both parents did cause me extreme anxiety and depression which I am seeking help for through my doctors..I personally think that no matter how somone treats you if you don't want to be with them then don't but don't get cheating on them behind their back, the grass is not always greener on the other side. I am a good kind loyal person, yes I get cross, yes I tell my children off and yes I struggle with life sometimes but I have always been a good partner supportive caring and kind. We recently split again due to his lack of change and commitment and I feel that his not willing to better ourselves as a family and wants to live on benefits. He says he is dying although his heart echocardiogram came back find his now having ct scans for copd which he thinks he now has. He is always diagnosing himself with something off the internet and when he mentions this to the doctors and has tests they tell him not to read into things and test results are all normal. He says he is dying and talks about going abroad for assisted suicide as he cannot live like this anymore I have all this in emails. He says I am a bad mother and that I have abused and controlled him for the whole time we were in a relationship together. We have a lot of outstanding debts which I have asked him to split but he refuses even though I have said I'll go to a small claims court. Anyway we have split again and now he lives quite away from me and the children. I have offered him 1 phone a week on a Friday and I have also enquired about two contact centres which can facilitate contact for him quite quickly.I have set the ball rolling so to speak but he is refusing this contact centre and won't go to one. What can I do now any advice please
Sharon - 5-Jun-19 @ 1:59 PM
Hi my partner has had his 1st prohibited steps hearing this week due to his ex putting this in, can he put in for contact order whilst this is ongoing
Saz - 15-May-19 @ 5:58 PM
hi i was supposed to be attending a final resolution hearing on the 7th of may at my local family court, where the rest of the case has all been dealt with, today i received a phone call from cafcass, asking me to meet them in London, for an interview, and then this afternoon i received an email from cafcass telling me the final resolution hearing is now on the 22nd of may and has been moved to southend family court, this is the first i heard of anything even regarding an extension, or a potential change of hearing, is this legal? and why would they change it to the other end of the country?
Lee - 22-Mar-19 @ 4:23 PM
I’m looking for advice for my partner. Since him and his ex split my partner has always had his child every weekend fri-sun and then has him at his ex’s house 2/3 nights a week while she works. She has now decided after an argument between them that he can only have them every other weekend. He sometimes has them 6 nights a week depending on her shifts at work. What first steps do we have to take to get something in place so he has them 3 nights a week staying at our house? Do we go to a solicitor?
M277066 - 19-Feb-19 @ 10:36 PM
My son is in court Monday for first hearing for him to have contact with his children will he be able to show the judge text messages his ex sent me saying what a good dad he is but now she's saying he's abusive false allegations
Pat - 3-Nov-18 @ 10:47 PM
Hi, my friend got a married woman pregnant. She didn’t tell him until the day she was in labour. According to her, she told her husband the baby isn’t his, but it’s not known if this is true. My friend has been seeing the baby without husband knowing and wants to be an active dad with as much contact as possible. The woman’s husband is on the birth certificate and she is very volatile. She is also from Kazakhstan and has threatened moving there with the baby if the husband found anything else out. My friend is considering applying for parental responsibility and trying to get contact. He is scared of rocking the boat if he formally asks her, due to the flight risk. What does he need to do? Can he apply for PR at court or are there steps before that? How long will it take to get into court for a decision? The other woman has lied about a lot of things and there is a real flight risk given she has a house in Kazakhstan. It would be good to know how best to approach this legally and preferably without her just going abroad. Baby is 6 weeks old. Thanks
HK - 23-Oct-18 @ 6:17 PM
Hi, I am acting on behalf of my son who is working abroad. He and his ex-wife agreed telephone contact on a Sunday by agreement in August. Since then the mobile phone has not been on apart from twice, when he has been able to speak to his daughter for around 5 minutes. Excuses are made the daughter is ill but in most cases the mobile phone is not turned on.As my son lives abroad can he still apply for a Contact Order whilst he is abroad and include what contact he would like when and if he returns to the UK. His daughter is 8 years old and his ex-mother in law insists he daughter doesn’t want to speak to him but doesn’t give any reason for his. Any advice would be grateful as I would need to represent my son as he is abroad.
Daddydolittle - 14-Oct-18 @ 2:47 PM
I applied for direct contact but dismissed by District Judge, applied permission to appeal and got oral hearing without asking. Now permission to appeal dismissed and no further hearing by Circuit Judge. With no judgement notes. Now can I appeal to Court of Appeal or apply again C100 and when ? Please help, I am an LIP. Thanks.
Akrm - 20-Sep-18 @ 7:11 PM
Mister - Your Question:
I separated from my ex in March. We had been living seperatly for 6 months before that but still had a physical relationship throughout that time. I'm pretty sure she met someone else because all of a sudden she is making it impossible for me to see my 4 years old Angel. There has never been abuse of any kind and I don't understand it. I'm out of work but was always very generous in the past. I don't deserve this. Do I?

Our Response:
Unfortunately, whatever the reason your ex is not allowing you access to your child, your only recourse is to go through the motions laid out via the link here .
SeparatedDads - 18-Sep-18 @ 3:37 PM
I separated from my ex in March. We had been living seperatly for 6 months before that but still had a physical relationship throughout that time. I'm pretty sure she met someone else because all of a sudden she is making it impossible for me to see my 4 years old Angel. There has never been abuse of any kind and I don't understand it. I'm out of work but was always very generous in the past. I don't deserve this. Do I?
Mister - 18-Sep-18 @ 7:32 AM
hi all , my partner has accused me of 1 violent assault, apprently throwing her against her wall and dragging her off the sofa. however i have responded to her allegations with oure denial as this never happened, she has never reported to the police or anyone else, also her doctors letter came threw saying they had no concern when we was together of any domestic abuse. so with no evidence at all will the court allow a supervised interim contact until the finding if fact hearing, i am in court thursday to direct whether there needs to be one and have been advised there most probaly will, does any legal adviser or judge ask for any evidence before decding this? please someone respons
gary - 17-Sep-18 @ 5:19 PM
Ness63 - Your Question:
Hi, can anyone tell me how my son can represent himself in court to get supervised access with his daughter? Social services have no problem with him seeing her as long as contact is supervised but my sons ex is refusing to let family supervise contact so he's been told his only option is to apply for a contact order at court. We don't know which form to fill in. He will have to represent himself as he's on benefits. He has parental responsibility and has had contact 'on and off' with his daughter for 3 years, depending on his ex's moods. Thank you

Our Response:
The link here , will help you/him further as it gives you a link to the court forms to fill in. Your son may wish to join the Separated Dads forum if he is representing himself - our dads can give help and advice having been through the process previously.
SeparatedDads - 7-Sep-18 @ 9:50 AM
Hi, can anyone tell me how my son can represent himself in court to get supervised access with his daughter? Social services have no problem with him seeing her as long as contact is supervised but my sons ex is refusing to let family supervise contact so he's been told his only option is to apply for a contact order at court. We don't know which form to fill in. He will have to represent himself as he's on benefits. He has parental responsibility and has had contact 'on and off' with his daughter for 3 years, depending on his ex's moods. Thank you
Ness63 - 6-Sep-18 @ 6:21 AM
Hi all, My ex left me over 2 month ago we have a 5 month old baby boy together, when she left we agreed to do things amicably. When I rang the next day to ask when she was bringing him to see me her mother(ex’s Mum) answered and told me not to call again and that I ain’t seeing him so then I told her that I’ll just turn up at there home and fight in court if needs be, the next thing I know I’m in the police station amswering allegations about domestic abuse etc over the years in our relationship (witch are false) the police came to the decision of no further action as there isn’t any proof (obviously) the next thing I know they have taken a non molestation order out on me witch I attended court for and agreed to undertakings where I accepted the non mol but not the allegations! Since then I tried mediation I attended my MIAM and she didn’t turn up to her non of hers (2) to witch I asked for my application to court. I have now paid for court and am awaiting on my hearing date! How long does this usuall take to receive my date and then how long is it usually to get to court? Also these allegations they have made against is it going to turn the judge/cafcas against me?! The pain of not seeing my boy is unreal and the thought of having to wait even longer lols. Thanks in advance
Ads88 - 21-Aug-18 @ 12:38 PM
Hi all, My ex left me over 2 month ago we have a 5 month old baby boy together, when she left we agreed to do things amicably. When I rang the next day to ask when she was bringing him to see me her mother(ex’s Mum) answered and told me not to call again and that I ain’t seeing him so then I told her that I’ll just turn up at there home and fight in court if needs be, the next thing I know I’m in the police station amswering allegations about domestic abuse etc over the years in our relationship (witch are false) the police came to the decision of no further action as there isn’t any proof (obviously) the next thing I know they have taken a non molestation order out on me witch I attended court for and agreed to undertakings where I accepted the non mol but not the allegations! Since then I tried mediation I attended my MIAM and she didn’t turn up to her non of hers (2) to witch I asked for my application to court. I have now paid for court and am awaiting on my hearing date! How long does this usuall take to receive my date and then how long is it usually to get to court? Also these allegations they have made against is it going to turn the judge/cafcas against me?! The pain of not seeing my boy is unreal and the thought of having to wait even longer lols. Thanks in advance
Ads88 - 20-Aug-18 @ 4:45 PM
Hi all, My ex left me over 2 month ago we have a 5 month old baby boy together, when she left we agreed to do things amicably. When I rang the next day to ask when she was bringing him to see me her mother(ex’s Mum) answered and told me not to call again and that I ain’t seeing him so then I told her that I’ll just turn up at there home and fight in court if needs be, the next thing I know I’m in the police station amswering allegations about domestic abuse etc over the years in our relationship (witch are false) the police came to the decision of no further action as there isn’t any proof (obviously) the next thing I know they have taken a non molestation order out on me witch I attended court for and agreed to undertakings where I accepted the non mol but not the allegations! Since then I tried mediation I attended my MIAM and she didn’t turn up to her non of hers (2) to witch I asked for my application to court. I have now paid for court and am awaiting on my hearing date! How long does this usuall take to receive my date and then how long is it usually to get to court? Also these allegations they have made against is it going to turn the judge/cafcas against me?! The pain of not seeing my boy is unreal and the thought of having to wait even longer lols. Thanks in advance
Ads88 - 20-Aug-18 @ 3:30 PM
mashaandbear - Your Question:
Been having my son stay with me every Friday and Saturday(And sometimes Sunday night) for 4 years since breaking up with my ex. When she is in a bad mood or annoyed she regularly still denies me access. I took her to court before but did not get an order(worst mistake ever) as the judge said we could sort it out between us. She is now denying me access again saying I made a nasty comment about her to my son. Have tried to resolve the matter with her but I just getting abuse and the phone put down on me. Is this really grounds for stopping me see my son? Today I attended the MIAM meeting which went really well and have my C100 signed by a mediator. Tomorrow the C100 is going to the court. Should I ask for an interim contact order as the second hearing could take 6-8 months to reach. it's already been 2 months and first court date could take 8 weeks. That's over a year without seeing my son(

Our Response:
I think your question might be best answered via our forum. Sometimes, it's good to get advice from dads who have been through a similar situation before and who can give the best advice through personal experience.
SeparatedDads - 3-Aug-18 @ 2:00 PM
@hassaan - it can be ajourned until a later date, or the court can make a decision without the respondent being there.
Neil80 - 3-Aug-18 @ 1:38 PM
been having my son stay with me every Friday and Saturday(And sometimes Sunday night) for 4 years since breaking up with my ex. When she is in a bad mood or annoyed she regularly still denies me access. I took her to court before but did not get an order(worst mistake ever) as the judge said we could sort it out between us. She is now denying me access again saying I made a nasty comment about her to my son. Have tried to resolve the matter with her but I just getting abuse and the phone put down on me. Is this really grounds for stopping me see my son? Today I attended the MIAM meeting which went really well and have my C100 signed by a mediator. Tomorrow the C100 is going to the court. Should I ask for an interim contact order as the second hearing could take 6-8 months to reach. it's already been 2 months and first court date could take 8 weeks. That's over a year without seeing my son(
mashaandbear - 2-Aug-18 @ 7:51 PM
i got a hearing in court for child contact order, i wanted to know what happens if the respondent doesnt turn up at the hearin?
hassaan - 2-Aug-18 @ 5:20 PM
Eve - Your Question:
Hi. My fiancee is trying to see is his daughter but his ex is very difficult and took their daughter 500 miles away. He has tried calling on the days and times she requested but he doesn't get to speak to her. He would like to have regular contact.can you advise what action he should take please?

Our Response:
If your fiancé's has personal responsibility of his child, then his ex should have requested consent to remove the child from the area if she planned to move. However, if the resident parent has taken the child without consent then your fiancé would be able to apply straight to court (without having to go through mediation). You can see more via the link here , which will tell you all you need to know.
SeparatedDads - 26-Jul-18 @ 12:39 PM
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