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Cafcass Staff: A Broad Cross Section of Society?

By: Lorna Elliott LLB (hons), Barrister - Updated: 10 Dec 2020 |
Cafcass Officer Court Child Report

Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) provides a variety of staff members who undertake different roles within the family court system. Cafcass officers broadly comprise of:

  • Family Court Advisors, who are trained social workers and work exclusively within the courts system, protecting and advocating the interests of children.
  • Children’s Guardians, who represent the child’s interests and help the court in adoption cases or in cases in which the court intends to make an order to protect the child from harm.
  • Family Support Workers, who support contact between children and their families, and who work alongside and provide assistance to Family Court Advisers.

Reforming the System

There are well-documented problems with Cafcass and the organisation has been subjected to many complaints in recent years. Although there is a multi-level complaints system in place, it is recognised that the system needs improvement and concerns of those who deal with Cafcass need to be dealt with more quickly and efficiently.

One common complaint with Cafcass, and particular Cafcass Family Law Advisors, has been that they are typically female and often from middle-class backgrounds. These two factors are often of concern to separated dads, who do not feel that their interests are adequately represented or indeed understood by female officers.

Cafcass Reports can be subjective, and very focused on the officer’s perception of the parties involved. For example, if a father has not seen his child for a year and a half, and is frustrated, angry and hurt by this, the Cafcass officer may perceive this as the father having an aggressive nature normally, which could end up having a detrimental effect on the report. Other officers may become hardened to the job, and may have developed a cynical attitude when dealing with certain types of cases.

Staff Recruitment

Social work as a whole has been through a recruitment crisis in recent times, especially since high profile tragedies such as that of Baby P have acted as a deterrent for those who previously considered entering the profession. Another problem relates to accountability. While Cafcass determines that ‘all cases must be treated on their own merits’ this means that there can be a huge variation in practices both geographically and between officers.

While every individual has freedom of choice over their career, government initiatives have previously been shown to work in terms of improving a broader demographic in certain professions. In order to do this successfully within social work and in particular Cafcass, it is important to make the career more attractive to potential applicants. Reform of the system, better staff training, an implementation of firmer policies and an increase in understanding of cultural differences may all contribute towards a fairer system.

The Current Complaints System

Unless and until the system in its present state is reformed, those who come into contact with Cafcass must use the complaints system. Broadly this is as follows: in the first instance, you should make a complaint in writing to the Regional Complaints Manager in your area. If your complaint is considered to have merit, it will be ‘registered’. You will be given reasons if it is not registered. If this happens, you can ask for a review by a Regional Director (but you must do this within 10 working days). Again, if you are not happy, you can go to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, but you must do this through your Member of Parliament.

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Cafcass are a waste of space. Believed every word my wife said to them, so in the safeguarding letter they said my contact us to stop. So now I don't see my children for Christmas.
Cloud - 10-Dec-20 @ 11:15 PM
Hi I was charged for drink driving over a month ago my mum had care of my 3 children I then found I could collect them n jake them home but youngest daughter dad had taken her we went to court they seamed my daughter in full custody of dad n access for me n her siblings but is it legal if he can decide I can c her more regards
Vicki - 21-Feb-20 @ 7:37 PM
My response to Ivan. The comments you display are completely narrow minded. It is not a case of parents throwing mud shots because there some geniune cases people are wronged in court. In the real world you are completely right people should be able to sort their own affairs out. There are cases though of parental allienation which is form of abuse unless you are suggesting this a fixture of peoples imagination.In cases of such parental allienation my feeling of frustration is triggered by the sense of injustice to both the children and their father that this case gives. That a parent who actively sought to alienate the children from their other parent achieved that aim; for contact to be severed regardless of whether or not the father himself posed any risk (the judge concluded he did not). It is clear from the judgment that the court did consider whether this was the best way to further the children’s welfare, but the outcome that saw a parent who appeared to be guilty of deliberately flouting court orders (a parent who 'corralled professionals to her cause') achieve this left an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. A brief case summary I would urge anyone interested in parental alienation and child contact disputes to read the judgment. HHJ Vincent has done an excellent job in setting out the history of the case and the issues the court faced in a clear, readable manner. In summary, however: The litigation spanned across five years, from 2012 to 2017. At the end of the proceedings, in June, the parties sons were 12 (S) and 8 (T). T had spent over half of his life embroiled in litigation and his brother, over a third. The parties separated in 2007, after a violent attack by the father on the mother. They reconciled in 2008, shortly before T was born. The parties separated again in 2011 and problems with contact started to arise in August 2012. In September 2012, T’s nursery made a referral to the local authority concerned that 'mum appears blinkered and appears focused on dad and not letting him see the children'. On 26 October 2012, the father made an application for contact to court. At or around the same time, the mother sought assistance from Women’s Aid. The first hearing was held on 12 December 2012. The court ordered that the children should have staying contact with their father on alternate weekends. The mother had argued against any contact. Thereafter a pattern ensued: soon after contact was ordered, the mother would allege a reason for it to stop. In HHJ Vincent’s words, the mother was 'unwilling at every stage for contact to take place…When it has happened, she has looked for difficulties and at the sign of any difficulty her response has been to renew allegations against the father, recounting her version of history and to suggest that contact should stop'. The parties would go back to court. Contact would be ordered again. The pattern would repeat. Eventually, the children went for a two-year period without a
Mrlegal - 28-Sep-18 @ 11:08 PM
Just had my CAFCASS report today. Totally one sided. All it contains is my criminal record. Never spoke to me only to say appointment cancelled then new date given and never rang( said I was not contactable) although I was in all day waiting for phone call. They also never contacted my son or my ex regarding the report. Have never hit my son (or my ex) or ever would. Have told him off a few times but if he plays up I just tickle him and he stops. Painted my ex as an angel, whos never done anything wrong( apart from not turning up and cancelling contact without notice). Basically made out I am a threat to my sons wellbeing. Haven't seen my son since 10th April, strangley the day she received the court papers she stopped all contact.
goodie - 5-Jun-18 @ 7:43 PM
It's important to remember that cafcass provide advice to the court. It is a small but important part of the process. It is the responsibility of the court to make orders where parents cannot agree on arrangements. The court would like to see parents working together to promote healthy relationships with children where parents are separated. I find it bizarre that cafcass are "blamed" for ruining parents and children's lives. The staff have nothing to gain by "making things up". I'm sure they have more important things to think about. It is a sad state of affairs when parents cannot see beyond their own interests in proving who is right or wrong. When all else fails, then suddenly cafcass is to blame. I don't buy this whole "corruption" nonsense. When you look at some of the comments on here, it's obvious that the "wronged party" needs someone to listen to their one sided argument which hasn't convinced the court. It is the court, which considers evidence from a range of sources and makes the best decision it can based on that evidence. It is also important to remember that private law family matters are dealt with by applications to the court. Therefore, it is the applicants case to ultimately prove. It really bugs me that a small minority of individuals abuse the court process to satisfy their own interests, sling mud or as a vessel of hate for their ex partner! There are children involved and their voices would be lost if cafcass were not there to assist the court with the children's experiences. Who else can speak up for them?
Ivan Arden - 28-May-18 @ 4:25 PM
It's important to remember that cafcass provide advice to the court. It is a small but important part of the process. It is the responsibility of the court to make orders where parents cannot agree on arrangements. The court would like to see parents working together to promote healthy relationships with children where parents are separated. I find it bizarre that cafcass are "blamed" for ruining parents and children's lives. The staff have nothing to gain by "making things up". I'm sure they have more important things to think about. It is a sad state of affairs when parents cannot see beyond their own interests in proving who is write or wrong. When all else fails, then suddenly cafcass is to blame. I don't buy this whole "corruption" nonsense. When you look at some of the comments on here, it's obvious that the "wronged party" needs someone to listen to their one sided argument which hasn't convinced the court. It is the court, which considers evidence from a range of sources and makes the best decision it can based on that evidence. It is also important to remember that private law family matters are dealt with by applications to the court. Therefore, it is the applicants case to ultimately prove. It really bugs me that a small minority of individuals abuse the court process to satisfy their own interests, sling mud or as a vessel of hate for their ex partner! There are children involved and their voices would be lost if cafcass were not there to assist the court with the children's experiences. Who else can speak up for them?
Ivan - 28-May-18 @ 4:22 PM
I just had my first hearing 2 days ago due to my daughter father wants her for 4 days with him. I’m the one takes care of her , I was the victim of DV and Cafcass ask the court to do a 7 report . But the Cafcass officer clearly told me that she’s 3 years old and is the time to spend with him overnight . So I don’t know what to do now
Cristina7 - 28-Apr-18 @ 5:44 PM
Hi. My children father passed away. Now his sister trying to get an order to see my kids but they refusing because of the way she been towards them and me. A lot of bad things happen and they are age of 10 so they can speak for themselves. Both kids been questioned by caffcas officer(student social worker). After seeing her kids was very distressed and upset. Is that normal the way they question kids: I meet your aunt and she is very nice lady, she miss you a lot. Don't you want to get presents from her, don't you want get money from her, don't you want to go to your cousins birthday, I saw the pictures of you and your cousins they seems to be lovely. What if aunt would write apology letter, she really miss you and want to see you. Those questions been given to both of my children. Is that normal that they making kids feel bad and guilty, they try to play with their minds? Both of my children still refuse to see their aunt even of all those try from caffcas but they said that was the worst day of their life, my heart was broken to see them so upset and crying and angry because they couldn't understand why she didn't want to respect their wishes and instead of been understanding they felt like caffcas was on aunt side. This day will stay in my children minds for very long time for sure. Please can anyone tell me do those questions are normal procedure or can I make a complain
Zalikha - 8-Mar-18 @ 12:02 AM
Hi. My children father passed away. Now his sister trying to get an order to see my kids but they refusing because of the way she been towards them and me. A lot of bad things happen and they are age of 10 so they can speak for themselves. Both kids been questioned by caffcas officer(student social worker). After seeing her kids was very distressed and upset. Is that normal the way they question kids: I meet your aunt and she is very nice lady, she miss you a lot. Don't you want to get presents from her, don't you want get money from her, don't you want to go to your cousins birthday, I saw the pictures of you and your cousins they seems to be lovely. What if aunt would write apology letter, she really miss you and want to see you. Those questions been given to both of my children. Is that normal that they making kids feel bad and guilty, they try to play with their minds? Both of my children still refuse to see their aunt even of all those try from caffcas but they said that was the worst day of their life, my heart was broken to see them so upset and crying and angry because they couldn't understand why she didn't want to respect their wishes and instead of been understanding they felt like caffcas was on aunt side. This day will stay in my children minds for very long time for sure. Please can anyone tell me do those questions are normal procedure or can I make a complain
Zalikha - 8-Mar-18 @ 12:02 AM
I'm looking for free advice regarding my 19 yr old son. My son n partner have a daughter nearly 18mths. They split up an she is now dating. My son lost his job n is not signing on, so has now income coming in he has used all his savings to support his daughter, but now the ex partner is refusing he has anything to do with his daughter as he cannot pay anything. He is devastated and unsure what to do as legal aid is no longer. Pls advise. Thank you
Rose - 8-Feb-18 @ 12:17 AM
Ok unsure how to start.. I am a dad who has been subject to DV. My son resides with me since birth. He is 4yrs old. Me and wife separated after I called police and they asked her to leave. Its been 10 months and 3 court hearings and a really bad Sec7 report ,very bias. Remember I have been physically assault ed emotionally assaulted logs of common assault .assaulted while I carried my son in my arms etc.. recordings of verbal n emotional abuse towards our son. So mother attended 12 hours supervised contact over 2 weeks. Recommended Outcome from contact centre . Mother to have 1 overnight contact per week . To increase to 2..that sounds reasonable for someone in her position. So here is the confusion.. given I have Promoted unsupervised contact 3 days a week after school 3-530pm CAFCASS addendum report was for 4 over night contact report?????? The sec 7report was full of holes.. they did not send me the assessment recommendations of the contact centre stating 1night. Alot of shady crap gping on.. Lucky for me Im a Social worker..I cannot believe how all this time I have safeguard ed my son from harm from his mother they come up with 4 nights. More than the resident parent ME. Oh nearly forgot. Mother abandoned her son at 8months n pissed off bk overseas to later return 5months later.. So its a contested hearing in 2 weeks time.. Anyone else been in this situation.. ? Sounds unreal . My position statement proposed parenting programme for mum..programme to address her anger before any overnight contact is considered.. checks to be done in her current resident ie refuge shared accom as courts said he can go there.. Usually a man who is the perpetrator would have a list of crap to attend and complete to get 1 day per week. So I will see if they follow protocol on victims of DV.. lets see if its about the best interest of the child or a paper exercise . Im sure the magistrates are confused that im a man who has hus kid n is a victim of DV.. I will expose CAFCASS on the stand and his mother.. I have all the fact based evidence. But im not a female. How corrupt the system is... If you a dad .. I feel ur pain.
Asd1270 - 30-Sep-17 @ 9:35 PM
please can someone advise on the following: separation happend in March 2015, she removed children in the middle of the night and didnt provide contact. sept 2015, court awards me the custody for the interim period, a senior cafcass officer made himself the guardian after accusing of being abusive as my son said I smacked his wrist for being naughty and my daughter said I smacked her too once, but she didnt give details. the guardian made a 15 page report mixing up audio recordings, turning around the hearing sept 2015 in mothers fabour, justifying all mothers actions and made me out to be abusive to the children and rigid and controlling towards my ex-wife. I have sent him a 56 page statement, highlighting step by step of his errors and biased view of his report. nothing came of it. it was simply ignored. final hearing June 2016, court ordered me to move out in 24 hours and mother move back in, i was given contact as follows: every thursday 16:30-19:00 or overnight , every fortnight friday 16:30-19:30 and saturday, sunday 10:00-16:00 or overnight. overnight contact is under the condition that I manage to get a suitable accommodation as the order of June 2016 made me homeless. throughot the last month contacts have been erratic, stopped and restarted contact. recently, I had not seen my daughter regurlarly for a long time and as of two months ago, contact with my daughter completely stopped. fisrt week of june 2017, i was due to see the children for four days, I notified the mother they will be staying overnight as a family member made room for us and asked her to provide their clothes, when I went to collect the clothes, she only gave me my son's and refused to give me my daughter's. couple of hours later she text me to say that she changed her mind and will bring them over. she came over, asked to speak to my daughter, then started to put my dughter in the car next to herboyfriend and take her away whilst I was dealing with my son, I noticed and brought my daughter back. due to the lack of regular contact and verious other reason my was becoming detached, so, I thought keeping her overnight would be the best as we will finally get to spend some quality time. unfortunately mother had other ideas, she kept calling the police, went to court, got exparte order, and urgent order with pinal notice. the four days I was hoping to spend quality time with my children turned out to be a nightmare. I have had two hearing so far, she made allegations, but judge would not make a judgement due to the kind of allegation she has made, however, the new order does not replace the order of June 2016 or the order of June 2017 (daytime contact should continue), but the mother would not agree to any contact other than indirect contact. Court ordered section 7. I received an email from last years cafcass officer/guardian. stating that he has written to the court as he wants to deal with it. I feel he should'nt be dealing with it. I would prefer a fresh pair of
dad1 - 2-Aug-17 @ 5:07 PM
Cafcass is an extremely biased organisation who work on a guilty until proven innocent policy. A child protection agency is used to abuse children, please excuse the irony. My 32 month old son no longer knows who his father is due to a very biased and one sided section 7 report and the fact i have been prevented from seeing my son for 15 months. After my initial telephone interview it was recommended I have immediate direct access to my child, who at that point knew and loved me, my ex partner simply refused and told countless lies, with no evidence. 10 months later and £10.000 in legal fees Cafcass are still attempting to prevent me from seeing my child, even though after a 2 day hearing it was found that my ex partner has a long history of mental health illness and has been domestically violent and abusive against me and has been proven to lie on countless occasions to cafcass and the court. My ex partner is currently under investigation for a section 20 assault using a full glass bottle against me and parental child abduction. She has attacked my physically in front of my child during the hand over process and it has been proven she has been physically violent towards me during the length of our relationship and beyond. Cafcass recommended I attend a domestic violence perpetrators program, even though I am the victim and even stated I shouldn't see my child for over 2 years, until I complete the program that would have contacted my ex partner as a victim and recommended a victim awareness course. I felt like I was sat at the mad hatter's tea party and after 15 months of of no access and constant lies being said about me if I showed any signs of frustration I would immediately be classed as aggressive. I am now going to see my local m.p and will be making every effort to prevent this from happening to any other children or father's. Please anybody in a similar situation contact your local m.p. cafcass complaint procedure is a joke and a waste of time and energy. I attempted to speak to the cafcass officer who dealt with my case's line manager after proving cafcass had been used to abuse my child and I was innocent and that I felt something needed to change to prevent the same thing happening in the future. Her response was to threaten me by way of explaining, in a very subtle way that if I don't keep my mouth shut about the abuse to my child and myself she would prevent me from seeing my child as finally directed by the court in an order. The manager even stated that she felt the section 7 report was more accurate than the findings of the court after a 2 days hearing, even though at the hearing a mountain of evidence was provided and the section 7 report was created from no evidence and the hearsay of a violent and mentally sick Individual.
Stefan - 23-Jul-17 @ 10:41 AM
CAFCASS made a false report back in 2009 and an apology letter was given, proof of which i still have. Once again in October 2015 a report was done in favour of the mother and my daughter who was in my care was taken from school by the mother as a result of a court order made based on the report written bt CAFCASS. No concerns which i raised were seriously mentioned in the report and they were not taken seriously. There were serious issues and all have been brushed away and not a single one was brought to the judges attention. This has now reached a level where i have absolutely no contact with my daughter and also the parties never attended court in April which means hearing was adjourned. Now the next hearing is in November. This is simply too far away and i'm not sure what to do. I should have got atleast an interim order but CAFCASS guardian appointed by a biased judge has messed things up and insists my daughter doesnt want to see me. This is a complete lie.
creambiscuits - 18-Jul-16 @ 10:42 AM
All these comments are exactly the same as what my son has gone through. His ex sociapathic wife has been believed false allegations lie after lie and about us as a family. Biased caffcass report court was a joke they do not have the child's best interest at heart it's all lies. He lost his home and everything she had planned all this a few months before he was arrested, as he was confronting her about stealing which she has been convicted of. She has even fooled the health professionals pulls the depression card out. She manipulates and controls the children and has a three persona, the wolf sheep and child so she can play the victim, she is a great actress. She loves drama and us out to discredit anyone who knows what she is one nasty piece of woman. Now it's a waiting game to see if she trips up herself whilst we pray that we will get to see my sons little boy. He practically brought him up they were inseparable she is one mean callous young woman .
Standing for truth - 2-Feb-16 @ 10:52 AM
Cafcass have ruined any chance I have of seeing my son growing up. They got things so wrong. Their report and recommendations were a disgrace. They failed to understand, evaluate and look at the evidence in the case, opting to believe everything my ex partner told them and prepare a report that contradicted itself and seemed rush. It's awful that my sons mother was even consulted about the recommendations beforehand and interviewed three times to spin her deciptful lies where as I was seen just once and learnt of the content of the report after it had been finalised. There is a huge problem in the whole system, it seems perfectly acceptable to make false allegation after false allegation that when proven to be untrue has absolutely no repercussion. The accused on the other hand is constantly on the back foot and having to prove their innocence time and time again. My son is going to grow up without his father in his life, he has been turned against me which will possibly have a negative effect on his development and there is nothing I can do except hope that one day he will make his own mind up and we have a chance of rebuilding our relationship.
P32gf - 26-Jan-16 @ 2:59 AM
All these comments and stories are exactly the same as my case.I had a perfect relationship with my daughter since she was born for just under 10 yrs.Put up with countless false alegations,lies,trouble making,getting me arrested for things i hadnt done and more by my ex.Finally sends her cowardly husband,his father and accomplice to my home to beat me up.And stopped me from seeing my daughter for no reason what so ever.Eventually take it to court and cut along story short,the cafcas absolutly RUIN my relationship with my little girl.3cafcas jobsworths Never listened to a word i said.Took all the lies my ex told.Suggezted i leave it a year.or right her letters and then refused to take the letters.Basically sided with my ex and i havnt seen my daughter for 4 years.Thanks Cafcas you are the worst Organisation concerning children.Absolute disgrace
kezza - 13-Nov-15 @ 9:42 PM
Djames - Your Question:
I have met my caffcass officer once and she has met my ex partner once,my ex made a lot of false accusations and it seems the caffcass officer took her side and was very off with me.since this first meeting over one year ago the caffcass officer has not turned up to court on two occasions and had not met my children once.after the first meeting she recommending I withdraw my application to see my children and start the process after a year.the judge did not agree with this after the first court hearing but still the caffcass officer did not turn up to court the second time.can anyone please tell me what the caffcass officer is expected to do and how they are meant to treat you as I feel I am getting nowhere and feel that the correct procedures have not been followed.please correct me if I am wrong but a report was made and recommendations which seemed extreme after just meeting me and my ex on one occasion and that's it,not turning up to court and niece meeting my children.thanks

Our Response:
You can complain via the link here. If you are not satisfied with the result of your complaint, you can take it to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, link here. I hope this helps.
SeparatedDads - 11-Nov-15 @ 1:59 PM
I have met my caffcass officer once and she has met my ex partner once,my ex made a lot of false accusations and it seems the caffcass officer took her side and was very off with me.since this first meeting over one year ago the caffcass officer has not turned up to court on two occasions and had not met my children once.after the first meeting she recommending I withdraw my application to see my children and start the process after a year.the judge did not agree with this after the first court hearing but still the caffcass officer did not turn up to court the second time.can anyone please tell me what the caffcass officer is expected to do and how they are meant to treat you as I feel I am getting nowhere and feel that the correct procedures have not been followed.please correct me if I am wrong but a report was made and recommendations which seemed extreme after just meeting me and my ex on one occasion and that's it,not turning up to court and niece meeting my children.thanks
Djames - 10-Nov-15 @ 5:10 PM
I had to go to court where sadly my bitter ex told loads of lies to cafcass and his solicitor. Cafcass didn't even contact me due to them getting my number off my ex and him giving them the wrong one. Didn't listen to anything I had to say even though I had evidence. And wouldn't talk to me as already sided with my son's dad and his lies and I was made out the bad one. Now its 50 50 care. With dad living in a shared house with 3 men and doesn't bother with our son. Constantly fobbing him off on other people in his care but the cafcass lady thought this was good. Waste of time and money and she has ruined mine and my sons life!!
terri - 7-Jul-15 @ 11:39 PM
Caffcass is a sad joketotally biased, a woman lies and has no evidence off wrong doing by my son caffcass when told the truth abouthis ex. ( Backed by proof) decided that he was just being vindictive ,isn't it a crime to help someone lie in court ?'s already cost him one and a half thousandpoundin solicitors and court fees and to take it any further would cost another three thousandtheir reportwas based on one phoneinterview and one brief visit something needs to be donebefore more dad's and children are separated
Nannan e. - 5-Jul-15 @ 10:30 PM
It's absolutely unbelievable reading these comments. My ex has tried every trick in the book to undermine the shared care our children have enjoyed since our separation. 4 years 5 judges and a Cafcass officer have all unilaterally agreed to continue this. Then my ex manages to get me arrested and claims i drink too much along comes Ms Wilkenson from Cafcass for a full section 7, no evidence, no facts children all happy what does she recommend. The father not to see the children at all during the week, other than one overnight for my middle son because it's apparently convenient for him to get to cricket. It's an absolute joke, and makes a mockery of Cafcass and our judicial system. When is this rediculous, bias system going to stop.
Paul - 31-Mar-15 @ 11:33 AM
@frustrated step mum - I have included a link here about its complaints procedure. You can follow the link here. I hope this helps.
SeparatedDads - 26-Jan-15 @ 2:34 PM
After 3 years of separation and both parties moving on, my fiances ex wife decided to breach the court order over christmas. On top of this and according to the children they have been told what to say to school. After speaking with the school and social services on numerous occassions we were comfortable in knowing the facts that there were no concerns at all despite he's exes accusations.We were confident that the cafcass report to court would show the same thing however after 10 mimutes on the phone with cafcass the Australian women on the other end cut off my partner whilst he was voicing hes genuine concerns and seemed absolutely uninterested in what he had to say, so today we receive her "report" which is completely biased and one sided towards the mother and I am furious.Cafcass is an absolute joke and these people should be prosecuted for perverting the course of justice.There is no evidence whatsoever however this lady claims he shouldn't see hes son and daughter. What cafcass fail to realise is that my fiance doesn't live alone, I am indeed here and also help loom after thr children so their biased and completely untrue report emotionally effects both of us. We have a court hearing next week and now I am very concerned. Cafcass claim to be there for both sides however they were rude unhelpful and by far wrong. I am more disgusted that women in this country can say and do as they please effectively abusing the children and then its a question why these children go on to go through the same thing in adulthood. It is beyond disgusting and if courts had any sense cafcass would not exist. If they truely had children's interests at heart then the reports would hold all reports by other agencies and not hold only what makes the mother look good. Moreso what are they thinking as any dad fighting for their rights will have all evidence anyway. My partner and I have a police information notice against hes ex for becoming violent. However not in report! But we of course have the evidence and that just goes ro show how biased and wrong this company is. I am beyond furious and cafcass are already paying thousands out because of their neglect to facts. How much more money do they need waste getting it WRONG!!!!
frustrated step mum - 24-Jan-15 @ 2:19 PM
My dealings with CAFCASS over the previous 4 years have been a truly mixed bag and my feeling towards them is ambivalent to say the least. The first appointed worker was very good indeed. He had a clear understanding of exactly what my ex-wife was trying to pull (lies, manipulation as well as attempting to have the Court staff collude in her grand schemes). After speaking to this said worker highlighting my concerns, showing text messages as well as hard-copy bona fide certificated proof of things he wished me good luck with my case. Since then, the women CAFCASS workers have been quite unhelpful bar one. They sided with my ex-wife thanks to her manipulation of schools and doctors as well as bringing in "unbiased witness reports" (from extended members of her family I will add). They have consistently ignored factual evidence in my case and whats more, two pieces of evidence in particular are so serious that if I as a Dad were to have done these things, I would guarantee that I would not see my child again. But apparently, to CAFCASS these are situations that just need to be "dealt with yourself in your own time" rather than viewing them for their true insidiousness and down right criminality. I've currently been awaiting a caseworker for the last 7weeks and there is still no sign at all of this being forthcoming despite having to request Court dates to be postponed (twice) in order to meet the courts directions. The next step will be a third Court order. After this I am expecting to be compensated for their negligence. I have read with interest a lot of the comments here concerning their bias towards Dads and can see it. They are totally incorrigible. Good luck to any Dads who have to have dealings with them.
YoRa - 15-Dec-14 @ 1:25 PM
@Happy - Thanks for sharing this with us. I'm glad your son got a good result. It's always nice to hear heart warming stories that can give hope to other dads in a similar position.
SeparatedDads - 24-Oct-14 @ 10:17 AM
My son was denied access to his child. After mediation failed he obtained a solicitor. His ex slang mud like no tomorrow and Cafcass were appointed. On reading how biased they were reported to be in favour of the mums, we felt deflated and thought we were not in a good position! How wrong we were. The wonderful lady was unbiased and supportive from start to finish. We got everything we wanted. The officer was only trully interested in the rights of the child. Thank you Cafcass.
Happy - 23-Oct-14 @ 5:38 PM
hi im writeing this on behalf of my partner his ex has stopped him seeing his son after 9 1/2 years without a problem and now she will not attend a mediation refuses to discuss the matter his son has a few probs he,s 10,suffers with asperges adhd is a highley emotional boy and adores his dad he,s like a different child when at home with his mum and her partner (he becomes withdrawn and often cries) i know he misses his dad very very much and his dad is devastated over the whole thing, she even refuses to give his dad his sons doctor name or his social workers name want let him attend any of his appointments the whole situation is destroying my partner( of 6 1/2 years ) and after speaking to a couple of close friends the idea that she could munchhaussen syndrome as she has always been an attention seeker has come upcan he by law have her tested for it ??? any advice wot he can to would be most gratefull thankyou, elaine
elaine - 3-Aug-14 @ 5:03 PM
After nearly 4 years of falling into a slow and crippling hell as Social Services heartlessly ripped apart a once happy and loving family, it is so relieving to finally find a site that HAS BEEN THERE...Thank you all for the respite...and gents, - stay strong.
davidbellpix - 4-Jun-14 @ 3:58 AM
When I read these letters I feel so sad for the Fathers, my son has been separated from his partner for 4 years, in all that time he has looked after his 3 girls many times to allow the mother to go off with her latest new boyfriend.She then moved a boyfriend in and he seems to have total control over my sons phone calls even recording them. My son asked for more visitation suddenly a letter from a solicitor appeared stating ( what rights and visits etc) he was allowed.He has always put the children first, caring and being there for them at any time.Suddenly after a telling off the eldest didn't want to see him anymore, he is unable to talk to her about it and when the boyfriend opens the door, he just says, your child does not want to see you. My son's ex will not talk to him at all or try to help this matter, which could be put right.I have read Child alienation syndrome and my goodness what they have listed has happened to my son, also I had a close relationship with my granddaughter and she has cut me off. It is heartbreaking he has to go to court, which could of been avoided if he could of had help from the mother, but her and her boyfriend want this new nice family for themselves and my son is not included. The boyfriend is not even allowed for some reason to see his children, so how can he let this happen to the girls Father. The mother works in the evenings and the girls are left in the charge of this man they cannot phone their Daddy at all and he monitors their calls, which now from an hour every evening are down to 20 mins, and not every night as before. Read every thing you can about the brainwashing of children and do not let it happen to you Fathers that are trying your best to be just good and loving Dads.
Edda - 4-Feb-14 @ 3:22 PM
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