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When Your Ex-Partner Denies You Access

By: Chris Nickson - Updated: 19 Feb 2023 | comments*Discuss
Contact Court Final Hearing Directions

If your ex-partner says she’s not going to let you have any contact with your children, it can be one of the most distressing things that can happen to you. There may be a number of reasons behind her decision but somehow they’re irrelevant; you simply want to be able to spend time with your kids. So what can you do to change the situation?

Why It Happens

There are several reasons why your ex might deny you access to your children.
  • It could be a bargaining chip for Divorce or legal proceedings yet to come
  • It might be revenge for the break-up of the relationship
  • In some instances, it’s even been used as a way to conceal a new relationship

Denial of contact, as it’s called legally, doesn’t necessarily happen immediately after your relationship ends. It can occur at any time until the child is of age.

What to Do About It

Your first step should be to send a registered letter to your ex-partner in which you ask her to reinstate contact between you and your children. Don't forget to take a copy of the letter for your records and keep your proof of sending. However, remember court is always seen as a last resort and you will usually have to show that you have both attended a Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting (MIAM) before you can apply.

If this produces no action, and/or your ex refuses to attend mediation, then you have no alternative but to go to court and ask for an Interim Contact Order. In order to obtain a contact order you will need to submit the correct form to the court, find out which form you need Here.

What Does the Interim Contact Order Do?

The interim contact order allows you to have contact with your children until a full court hearing resolves the matter one way or another. If your ex shows no opposition to interim contact, it can be resolved without a court appearance. However, at this stage that’s not likely to be the case.

What Kind of Contact Can you Expect in the Interim?

What you and your solicitor will have to do is remind the court at a “directions hearing” of the length of time before the full hearing will occur. This can often be six months or longer, which can be detrimental to your relationship with your child. In most instances, the court will allow some limited contact between you and your children in the interim, although it’s unlikely to be “staying contact” (allowing the children to stay overnight with you) if the mother objects. She might also demand supervised contact, and the court will generally accede. This all seems heavily weighted towards the mother, even though you might have done nothing wrong. However, it’s a case of the court opting to be cautious.

The Directions Hearing

Prior to the hearing you should inform both the opposing solicitor and the court itself that your side will ask for interim contact and be asking for oral evidence. This will avoid any adjournment. If you’ve had previous contact with your child before you were denied access, especially “staying contact”, you should provide evidence of this to the court, as it will bolster your argument.

The Final Hearing

One of the most important factors preceding the final hearing is the report by the Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) officer. He or she will interview you and your former partner, your children, if they’re old enough, as well as carers and teachers etc. Generally, the court will accept the report’s recommendations regarding custody and contact. If you disagree with the report, either in part or completely, you can ask for more information, or for another report by a different officer.

If You’re Still Denied Access

If your former partner denies you contact in defiance of an order laid down by the court, you can take her to court to demand access. However, before taking this step, think carefully, as it will not only make relations between the two of you worse, but could possibly end up with her fined or in jail, which will have an adverse affect on the children. If at all possible, you should Attempt Mediation first.

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Am very happy and my relationship is back to normal, after my husband left me for someone else i was heartbroken until a friend introduce me to this powerful love spell caster who did a powerful love spell for me that brought back my husband back to me , thank you sir Mutaba your spell worked perfectly fine, if you want his help whatsapp him : + 2348054681416 or email him greatmutaba@gmail. com i promise to tell the world your good works..
Dobry - 19-Feb-23 @ 7:51 AM
@mat, why are you trying so hard ?.why feel sad and defeated?why are doing parenting course ?do you know your ex should be doing parenting course she is junkie whore who has sex with under age boys next to your own daughter mate wake up smell the coffee boy you got blinkers on .she is two bit harlot boy pick up your broken heart little fella be a men and go rescue your daughter and give her a good life ?????
B real - 10-Nov-22 @ 10:19 PM
I'm currently in court proceedings against my ex partner, I've been very open and honest about where I went wrong in our past relationship to the courts and have admitted all my wrong doings and have admitted being wrong on my part during and after our break up.Ive not said any negative things about my ex partner in court or in any statements. I've done a parenting course and a building better relationships course. I'm working fulltime and have my own rented place. I see myself as a good person who just wants to be in my child's life, So far in court all my ex is doing is creating a negative picture of me and saying I'm all bad and that I'm a horrible person ect. All her reports about me are negative and seem to create a picture of me being someone she wants others to think badly of me and make me out to be someone I'm not. My reports have all been positive about putting my child's needs first . And all reports from my parenting course have been positive and all reports from my building better relationships course have been positive. Also I've passed a drugs and alcohol test. I'm feeling very sad and defeated and now think after reading the negative court statement from her that whatever I do won't ever be good enough to show my ex partner or the courts that I should be a parent and be in my child's life. Will the courts see her negative reports about me as tit for tat and shows hate from her side. Or will they side with my ex partner and not give me a chance to be a father.
Matt - 10-Nov-22 @ 8:39 PM
I'm currently in court proceedings against my ex partner, I've been very open and honest about where I went wrong in our past relationship to the courts and have admitted all my wrong doings and have admitted being wrong on my part during and after our break up.Ive not said any negative things about my ex partner in court or in any statements. I've done a parenting course and a building better relationships course. I'm working fulltime and have my own rented place. I see myself as a good person who just wants to be in my child's life, So far in court all my ex is doing is creating a negative picture of me and saying I'm all bad and that I'm a horrible person ect. All her reports about me are negative and seem to create a picture of me being someone she wants others to think badly of me and make me out to be someone I'm not. My reports have all been positive about putting my child's needs first . And all reports from my parenting course have been positive and all reports from my building better relationships course have been positive. Also I've passed a drugs and alcohol test. I'm feeling very sad and defeated and now think after reading the negative court statement from her that whatever I do won't ever be good enough to show my ex partner or the courts that I should be a parent and be in my child's life. Will the courts see her negative reports about me as tit for tat and shows hate from her side. Or will they side with my ex partner and not give me a chance to be a father.
Matt - 10-Nov-22 @ 8:38 PM
Constantly stopped from seeing my daughter, constantly facing false and malicious allegations resulting in social services, cafcass, police investigations all coming back as untrue. 3 seperate court procedings i owe over 10k in legal fees. Things were going fine recently then all of a sudden contact stopped again, court order broke facing more false allegations and another social service investigation. After dealing with this for the past 10 yrs, i am now seriously contemplating walking away from my 11 yr old daughter, its not fair on her to be constantly manipulated by her narcissistic mother and i am not sure i can take much more. Would i be labelled a bad dad if i walked away?
Tez - 9-Nov-22 @ 2:52 PM
My partner stopped contact after we argued in Jan 2022. We have had one court meeting online where the judge said he was not willing to take into account ‘tit for tat’ that the case was about my 7 now 8 yr old daughter. He asked for a section 7 report that my partner requested and said he wanted contact to resume via a contact centre to start with and told my partner there was years ahead of us and we needed to ‘get along’ I admitted smoking Cannabis and was told in no uncertain terms I had to do something about it, I was already seeing a drug counsellor and have successfully come off Cannabis and feel much better for it. I had an interview with a ‘young’ social worker in May who was going to set up supervised contact but reported to me my daughter who her mother says suffers with anxiety and I believe she is blaming me doesn’t want to see me.The social worker suggested a telephone call I waited for half an hour but realised it wasn’t going to happen,then she suggested letter writing which is difficult as I am dyslexic but we have done this the past 6/7 weeks as social worker been Ill and missed few sessions. After 2 court cancellations we now go to court next week and I should receive section 7 report tomorrow but still haven’t seen my daughter, any idea what the judge could rule in these circumstances? Any advice help would be helpful I’mvery nervous about Tuesdays meeting.
Jones - 15-Sep-22 @ 7:01 PM
@jones,this child mother said to me once the (wrong guy father is on the birth certificate), that is the truest words that women has (ever spoken ).in all honesty I have never( seen myself as a father) .this is not tit for tat this is (raw honesty) in truth (im incompetent when it comes to children and family life )I was just not made for that life I despise that lifestyle.
C laurie - 14-Sep-22 @ 8:46 PM
@JONES,after reading your post I made the right decision to walk away ,there is no way I would deal with social workers drug counsellors contact centres, (this is gods truth if the shoe was on the other foot and I had the child like in all honesty I would off gave the child to the state so she could be adopted out )im a men (I can't raise a child a child needs a family environment and I can't give that ).but I wish the child well in life .
C laurie - 14-Sep-22 @ 8:25 PM
My partner stopped contact after we argued in Jan 2022. We have had one court meeting online where the judge said he was not willing to take into account ‘tit for tat’ that the case was about my 7 now 8 yr old daughter. He asked for a section 7 report that my partner requested and said he wanted contact to resume via a contact centre to start with and told my partner there was years ahead of us and we needed to ‘get along’ I admitted smoking Cannabis and was told in no uncertain terms I had to do something about it, I was already seeing a drug counsellor and have successfully come off Cannabis and feel much better for it. I had an interview with a ‘young’ social worker in May who was going to set up supervised contact but reported to me my daughter who her mother says suffers with anxiety and I believe she is blaming me doesn’t want to see me.The social worker suggested a telephone call I waited for half an hour but realised it wasn’t going to happen,then she suggested letter writing which is difficult as I am dyslexic but we have done this the past 6/7 weeks as social worker been Ill and missed few sessions. After 2 court cancellations we now go to court next week and I should receive section 7 report tomorrow but still haven’t seen my daughter, any idea what the judge could rule in these circumstances? Any advice help would be helpful I’mvery nervous about Tuesdays meeting.
Jones - 14-Sep-22 @ 5:05 PM
Good morning I'm struggling with all this I'm in court process and I just don't understand what is going on as my wife left in October last year has stopped me from seeing the children unless it's on her terms, She has not done anything for the courts never turned up at court in April, but still thinks everything might work out. But won't attend mediation I'm just ver confused
Craig - 25-Jun-22 @ 10:45 AM
Dnbbarks - you'll find a lot of help over at Dads with Kids forum
SB - 24-Jun-22 @ 7:49 PM
Hi.Had the same thing myself.You can get a free half hour legal advice from a solictor.
SB - 24-Jun-22 @ 7:47 PM
Let's set the record straight im not at my wits end .(and im not taking you to court) .don't you think I would off taking you to court 15 years ago if I wanted to see your daughter ???.truth is I have never wanted to see your daughter for one I dont believe im the (biological father) and even if I am truth is i never wanted (kids )I was happy as Larry when you left.( I was free to live my life my way )I was depressed when I had to pretend to be a family men that was the (lowest off my life look im just not cut for that kind off life) .but as your stated your getting married exciting times. So stop trying to figure me out you never really new me . and focus on your new husband get him to be there dad what's the big deal ???.give up the separated dad blogs take up reading marriage blogs .
C laurie - 12-Jun-22 @ 2:08 AM
Hi don’t know if you can help me , just wondering if there is a template letter to ask my ex for supervised visits , as she has denied me access for nearly 3 years n phone contact either, am at my wits end need to see my son , I have all the forms n willing to pay fee with my son but don’t know what to right in letter without my emotions kicking in , also at the end of it would like to stress if we can’t sort this out that I’m going to take her to court please help not very savvy on web n can’t find one on my own , please help if poss or send me in the right direction ??
Dnbbarks - 11-Jun-22 @ 10:09 PM
Ok my problem is my x partner let me see my kid at the start then during court order and then court went to a 3 month break the judges kept changing and probably all medical exuses iv ever seen for contact so i already had a drink problem probably why we split up the way we did but i went to every contact meeting i could get to also done everything before the 3 months possable but i took it really bad and drank for 2 3 years and i know kids and alcohall dont mix i got sober trying to get contact back and the judge dosnt seem to listen to me because i was an alcohallic iv been writing letters for 5 6 months now and im back in court very shortly and i feel like my solicitor dosnt care and i feel really badly discriminated for things that i didnt even do in a back ground report they did 4 5 months ago 90% of it is lies in the report from my x partner and her family and if i could type it here i would but im honestly at a loose end its not good for my mental health (the reason i drank angzity got no help) and i feel like giving up now this is been in and out of court for 8 years what do i do guys iv got learning difficultys so and i cant read that well im that lost and feel so ashamed of reports that i are so wrong i give up cant take much more mental torture
K - 30-May-22 @ 1:41 AM
i want to testify of a powerful spell caster who return my ex boyfriend, it all started when i took his phone and saw a lady message him that she enjoyed the last time and i confronted him about it he was angry and and stop talking to me from that day he started acting strange then he told me he didn’t want me anymore that he loves someone else i was so diver-stated i cried all day and night he blocked me from his Instagram and on phone so i couldn’t reach him anymore this made me sad and cry even the more i was searching for help online when i saw a comment about Dr Mutaba great work i contacted him and told him about my problems and i did everything he asked me to do he told me after 24hrs my ex will return back to me well i doubted him though because my ex didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore the next day to my greatest surprise he called me and was begging me to give him another chance now we are both happy together all thanks to Dr Mutaba he can also help you Dr Mutaba contact info below . greatmutaba@ gmail. com or whatsapp him +2348054681416
Anita - 22-May-22 @ 6:59 AM
My daughter is 6 now and we've been separated 4 and a half years, I've always had a good relationship with my ex and no problems seeing my daughter until recently. While having her for a weekend I found a disturbing video on her tablet which appeared to have been filmed by a 3rd party, I tried questioning my ex about it and got no answers and my daughter wouldn't speak, as if she'd done something wrong. I made the decision to go to the police with it and now my ex is stopping all contact with my child after the police went to her house and decided that there wasn't enough for them to get involved, I've been to children's services who also couldn't help, I fear my daughter is being abused and nobody wants to help, is there anything I can do?
Tentpeg - 1-Oct-21 @ 8:13 AM
My ex and I seperrated whilst she was pregnant though we still kept in contact. I was at the birth and I am on the birth certificate. After the birth over the first 3 years we kinda had an oon/off intimate relationship. I had regular weekly contact at my house sometimes I went to my child's home to look after her if my ex was going out. We went on family outings short family holidays as we both thought this was good for our child to see good family relationship between us. Then the relationship between me & my ex broke down further and we began to find it difficult to communicate my contact became less with my child. My ex began asking who would be there whilst I had my child, where would we be going, what would we be doing ect. My ex began dropping her off late picking her up earlier leaving me little time to do very much with my child. I was then sent to prison for 10months for a driving offence (which I regret) and as we Wer in covid pandemic visiting was difficult though could still happen if it was child visitation but mh ex said no my child can't visit so I tried calling, writing but my ex told me she will never be letting me see my child again. I did keep trying to make contact but never received any reply back throughout my prison sentence duration. Iv been released from prison now I desperately want to see my child but don't want to turn up at her house as I do not want any conflict between us in front if my child at all as it would have a negative impact on her. Since being released from prison I was put in temporary housing to await a council house as I previously lived with my mother who has now moved to a smaller house and I want go rebuild my father/daughter relationship I will be potentially looking at included over night stays aswell therefor I will need a 2 bedroom property hence the reason for being in temporary council accommodation at the minute. I have contacted a family lawyer however although I done this on the day of my release it is 2 weeks before I actually have the lawyer appointment. What should I be doing right now should I perhaps send my ex a recorded delivery letter asking if we can try to put our differences aside for the sake of our child as its clear to me that any inter-parental conflict can negatively impact our child's long term mental health and no child should have to endure the loss of a close parental relationship on one parents decision because they cannot find a level ground between them where the child's best interests are kept at the heart of this situation.a child has the right to have meaningful happy loving family relationship with both parents even if they live with only one parent. My daughter is 4years old now and I haven't had contact for nearly 11months now please I need help and advice whilst I await lawyers appointment.
Will - 17-Aug-21 @ 11:11 AM
My ex and I seperrated whilst she was pregnant though we still kept in contact. I was at the birth and I am on the birth certificate. After the birth over the first 3 years we kinda had an oon/off intimate relationship. I had regular weekly contact at my house sometimes I went to my child's home to look after her if my ex was going out. We went on family outings short family holidays as we both thought this was good for our child to see good family relationship between us. Then the relationship between me & my ex broke down further and we began to find it difficult to communicate my contact became less with my child. My ex began asking who would be there whilst I had my child, where would we be going, what would we be doing ect. My ex began dropping her off late picking her up earlier leaving me little time to do very much with my child. I was then sent to prison for 10months for a driving offence (which I regret) and as we Wer in covid pandemic visiting was difficult though could still happen if it was child visitation but mh ex said no my child can't visit so I tried calling, writing but my ex told me she will never be letting me see my child again. I did keep trying to make contact but never received any reply back throughout my prison sentence duration. Iv been released from prison now I desperately want to see my child but don't want to turn up at her house as I do not want any conflict between us in front if my child at all as it would have a negative impact on her. Since being released from prison I was put in temporary housing to await a council house as I previously lived with my mother who has now moved to a smaller house and I want go rebuild my father/daughter relationship I will be potentially looking at included over night stays aswell therefor I will need a 2 bedroom property hence the reason for being in temporary council accommodation at the minute. I have contacted a family lawyer however although I done this on the day of my release it is 2 weeks before I actually have the lawyer appointment. What should I be doing right now should I perhaps send my ex a recorded delivery letter asking if we can try to put our differences aside for the sake of our child as its clear to me that any inter-parental conflict can negatively impact our child's long term mental health and no child should have to endure the loss of a close parental relationship on one parents decision because they cannot find a level ground between them where the child's best interests are kept at the heart of this situation.a child has the right to have meaningful happy loving family relationship with both parents even if they live with only one parent. My daughter is 4years old now and I haven't had contact for nearly 11months now please I need help and advice whilst I await lawyers appointment.
Will - 17-Aug-21 @ 11:11 AM
My ex and I seperrated whilst she was pregnant though we still kept in contact. I was at the birth and I am on the birth certificate. After the birth over the first 3 years we kinda had an oon/off intimate relationship. I had regular weekly contact at my house sometimes I went to my child's home to look after her if my ex was going out. We went on family outings short family holidays as we both thought this was good for our child to see good family relationship between us. Then the relationship between me & my ex broke down further and we began to find it difficult to communicate my contact became less with my child. My ex began asking who would be there whilst I had my child, where would we be going, what would we be doing ect. My ex began dropping her off late picking her up earlier leaving me little time to do very much with my child. I was then sent to prison for 10months for a driving offence (which I regret) and as we Wer in covid pandemic visiting was difficult though could still happen if it was child visitation but mh ex said no my child can't visit so I tried calling, writing but my ex told me she will never be letting me see my child again. I did keep trying to make contact but never received any reply back throughout my prison sentence duration. Iv been released from prison now I desperately want to see my child but don't want to turn up at her house as I do not want any conflict between us in front if my child at all as it would have a negative impact on her. Since being released from prison I was put in temporary housing to await a council house as I previously lived with my mother who has now moved to a smaller house and I want go rebuild my father/daughter relationship I will be potentially looking at included over night stays aswell therefor I will need a 2 bedroom property hence the reason for being in temporary council accommodation at the minute. I have contacted a family lawyer however although I done this on the day of my release it is 2 weeks before I actually have the lawyer appointment. What should I be doing right now should I perhaps send my ex a recorded delivery letter asking if we can try to put our differences aside for the sake of our child as its clear to me that any inter-parental conflict can negatively impact our child's long term mental health and no child should have to endure the loss of a close parental relationship on one parents decision because they cannot find a level ground between them where the child's best interests are kept at the heart of this situation.a child has the right to have meaningful happy loving family relationship with both parents even if they live with only one parent. My daughter is 4years old now and I haven't had contact for nearly 11months now please I need help and advice whilst I await lawyers appointment.
Will - 17-Aug-21 @ 11:06 AM
My ex and I seperrated whilst she was pregnant though we still kept in contact. I was at the birth and I am on the birth certificate. After the birth over the first 3 years we kinda had an oon/off intimate relationship. I had regular weekly contact at my house sometimes I went to my child's home to look after her if my ex was going out. We went on family outings short family holidays as we both thought this was good for our child to see good family relationship between us. Then the relationship between me & my ex broke down further and we began to find it difficult to communicate my contact became less with my child. My ex began asking who would be there whilst I had my child, where would we be going, what would we be doing ect. My ex began dropping her off late picking her up earlier leaving me little time to do very much with my child. I was then sent to prison for 10months for a driving offence (which I regret) and as we Wer in covid pandemic visiting was difficult though could still happen if it was child visitation but mh ex said no my child can't visit so I tried calling, writing but my ex told me she will never be letting me see my child again. I did keep trying to make contact but never received any reply back throughout my prison sentence duration. Iv been released from prison now I desperately want to see my child but don't want to turn up at her house as I do not want any conflict between us in front if my child at all as it would have a negative impact on her. Since being released from prison I was put in temporary housing to await a council house as I previously lived with my mother who has now moved to a smaller house and I want go rebuild my father/daughter relationship I will be potentially looking at included over night stays aswell therefor I will need a 2 bedroom property hence the reason for being in temporary council accommodation at the minute. I have contacted a family lawyer however although I done this on the day of my release it is 2 weeks before I actually have the lawyer appointment. What should I be doing right now should I perhaps send my ex a recorded delivery letter asking if we can try to put our differences aside for the sake of our child as its clear to me that any inter-parental conflict can negatively impact our child's long term mental health and no child should have to endure the loss of a close parental relationship on one parents decision because they cannot find a level ground between them where the child's best interests are kept at the heart of this situation.a child has the right to have meaningful happy loving family relationship with both parents even if they live with only one parent. My daughter is 4years old now and I haven't had contact for nearly 11months now please I need help and advice whilst I await lawyers appointment.
Will - 17-Aug-21 @ 11:06 AM
Cafcass caseworker highlighted in brackets a very damaging remark in her safeguarding letter she made out some thing that never happened, She contradicts her remark, right after it by saying Local Authority took no further action after the assessment, But she still highlights the damaging remark? Her report was so biased towards my wife, at the moment Cafcass case is closed I have made complaints about the caseworker but seem to fell on deaf ears, hopefully the District Judge will look into the assessment that was done in 2008 by the local authority to see the truth, & not what the Cafcass remark is putting to the Court, obviously a social service assessment was done back in 2008 & no further action was taken at the time, So why is she bringing it up 13 years later in her safeguarding report? Hopefully this Cafcass caseworker will not be asked by the District Judge do another report later on in the case otherwise I don't think I will get contact with my kids.
Gazza - 29-Jul-21 @ 9:19 AM
Hi, I divorced at 2002 of my husband, and I have twins, they was born in England , when they were 2 years old me and my x , divorced , I’m Iranian and that time we lived at Iran, then he took my child to london , and I Haden’s any acces to them , no phon no contact, nothing , now they are 20 years old, I don’t know how I get my right, I should claim on their father or no? What I do?
Rana - 24-Jul-21 @ 11:04 PM
My 1st child was the result of a relationship with a married woman. She decided to stay with her husband so I missed out on the early bonding period being at the birth while they tried to pretend at playing happy families.I was a bit broken after all she had said that she decided on staying.Unsurprisingly their marriage didn't last and I had some access but by then I was married and started my own family and I just didn't have the same bond as with my children .I also found it hard as my wife wasn't happy and my 1st son has his mother's eyes and brought back many emotions.Eventually contact was lost again which is my fault for not making a greater effort to ignore my wife's reminstrations and over come my feeling that my sons mum had chosen her ex husband to provide for them not me.Later my sons mum asked came asking for money, but one of my children requires extra support so I was already stretched financially and still felt she had made her choice to stay with her husband as he was a bigger earner than me.Obviously she and my son both blame me though I feel my lack of involvement is largely driven by not having that early engagement I had with my youngest 2.I would love for at least my 3 kids to have some relationship and my part on let my son down has played a part in the depression I have suffered, but hard to know my best way foward.
Gaz - 15-Jul-21 @ 9:34 AM
My 1st child was the result of a relationship with a married woman. She decided to stay with her husband so I missed out on the early bonding period being at the birth while they tried to pretend at playing happy families.I was a bit broken after all she had said that she decided on staying.Unsurprisingly their marriage didn't last and I had some access but by then I was married and started my own family and I just didn't have the same bond as with my children .I also found it hard as my wife wasn't happy and my 1st son has his mother's eyes and brought back many emotions.Eventually contact was lost again which is my fault for not making a greater effort to ignore my wife's reminstrations and over come my feeling that my sons mum had chosen her ex husband to provide for them not me.Later my sons mum asked came asking for money, but one of my children requires extra support so I was already stretched financially and still felt she had made her choice to stay with her husband as he was a bigger earner than me.Obviously she and my son both blame me though I feel my lack of involvement is largely driven by not having that early engagement I had with my youngest 2.I would love for at least my 3 kids to have some relationship and my part on let my son down has played a part in the depression I have suffered, but hard to know my best way foward.
Gaz - 14-Jul-21 @ 4:15 PM
My ex partner has run off from Scotland to England with my 2 boy's aged 15 weeks and 23 month old, im only on the youngest child's birth certificate,she is saying she's fleeing domestic violence, emotional abuse, controlling behaviour and financial distress,none of it is true, we argue over her insecurities over cheating, ive left jobs, churches and England to so she dont think I cheat, I was 110% commited, we've had domestic violence over a year ago, but nothing since, im doing the court order I was put on and doing great with it, I was having my boys at my house on my own before I splitt with her 2 weeks ago, once I splitt up she bolted with my boys, blocked contact and run off to England,social work report's are all amazing and positive and we was taken off the at risk register with my eldest, they all stay i was a good father, my ex is saying this to hurt me, any advice, ive got a solicitor appointment Thursday
Big T - 10-Jul-21 @ 12:24 PM
Funny not been able to get a response from the Carcass caseworker because initially I kept the brief phone call strictly about my kids & contact never mentioned any safeguarding concerns about the Wife or her Mother who cares for my kids, But I the Wife has made Domestic Abuse allegations also mentioned my Mental Health & treatment, So I sent the Court & Cafcass my Health records, yesterday I phoned my Kids Schools ask them about reports as I have no contact see how there doing? The School tell me my 11yr old twin daughters have said they don't want to see me? I find this rather odd as av not had any contact either by phone or seen them since April 11th but I have a email from the wife dated April 16th saying the Kids all wanted to start trying to see me on my own, So I am confused to why my twins would now be telling the School they don't want to see me? My guess the Mother or Mother in law been in their heads, So I sent the Carcass caseworker because a txt & a copy of my wife's email to show her I also told the caseworker in a txt I had concerns about the Mother in Law but never told her what they were in the txt I also told her i have things that could show that my wife is has been deceitful in the past so as to debunk her Domestic abuse allegations, & guess what after weeks trying to get a reply from Carcass she rings me this morning, I would not lower myself to resort to what my wife is doing this was about contact with my kids nothing else, But goes to show you what Carcass are about be very careful.
Gazza - 23-Jun-21 @ 1:09 PM
My Aussie son in Scotland is divorced and has been seeing (sharing) his six-year-old daughter for three years without any problem. But five months ago he told his ex that he would not be allowing her request to move to Corsica with the daughter. (Yep, there's a boyfriend, who happens to be a mercenary). She has now cut off virtually all access to the father. She and her lawyer are even ignoring requests from his lawyer to mediate. Court papers will be lodged tomorrow. We have had to do fundraising for this. The court will find in his favour, as there are no issues, apart from her bad behaviour. What happens if she still doesn't comply? Many thanks.
Doc - 20-Jun-21 @ 9:40 AM
My wife soon to be ex has resorted to being awkward again my niece same age as my wife phoned her asked her if she could ask my 5 kids to sign a Fathers Day Card she said No she couldn't & it's down to the Family Courts the mind boggles with her petty behaviour as her & my Neice where close & have stayed amicable my Neice was upset I told her not to worry she was trying to do something nice for me & the Kids, My Wife in the meantime popped around to my best mates as she is friends with his Mrs & passed a card my youngest 7 year old Daughter had done in School the same day my Neice phoned her? Made up with my card from my princess, But the Wife starting to show her true colours she made allegations of Domestic abuse I said nothing to the Cafcass regretting it now as I have a lot of Safeguarding issues on my wife Mum who is down as Carer for my severely autistic 9 yr old boy & her mother has sent vile drunken rants in what's app txts to me & bad mouthed me to friends in public also a alcholic who actually stabbed her ex my wife father in front of my wife & her siblings when they where kids, I also have proof of my wife being deceitful involved in Benefit Fraud & Insurance Fraud, but am not about stooping to her level I tried Medaition then applied to Court kept this about the Kids, I also have struggled to get in touch with the Cafcass caseworker I have had to send Mental Health & treatment records to Cafcass website because the caseworker does not answer her phone gave me no email address to send my records sorry but I have a feeling this Cafcass caseworker seems to me unprofessional, My Mental health anxiety depression has only started since my wife ended our Marriage back in November 2020 the records show this so don't know why she playing that card either? Also no mention of Domestic abuse in her reasons for Divorce? & she had let be alone with my kids back when we first broke up until January then started to be controlling with visitation having my Sister be with me & her friend also going to a local community center on a Monday with my youngest all because i said to one of my 11yr old twin daughter in the car could we not mention her mum's best friend as my daughter went home was told her Mum I never seen my twins from mid January until mid March they seen me up til April 11th then I get a email from the wife saying all the kids want to try to see me on my own but could I be positive & not say men tion their Nan or her best friend, I was livid I thought she can't handle the thought your not in control anymore that's why she said that it should have been the start of me seeing the kids as a father should, But her mother had bad mouthed me to a friend about a month before so I was fuming my wife would say don't mention her Mum? I had kept it to myself about her Mum bad mouthing me in public as I was seeing the kids regular even though it was supervised & phone calls so did not want to rock the boat, I emailed my wife told her i was goin
Gazza - 19-Jun-21 @ 2:57 PM
Hi I'm a dad of 4 one my oldest girl I went to court to but after 5 years it all stopped the mother had made out for the last 5 year she don't want to see me and now I've got it ten time worse my 3 boys who are 4,5,6 have been stopped seeing me the mother works for the child care so she know what she is doing she put a order on me fir 6 months claiming she afair of me and and in danger apart fir row that's is all I've ever done to her I'm now trying to fight its all in court but its a waiting game up to 4-6weeks even more with out seeing them one of sons has adhd and his life has been mess right up like all the other dads on here I'm at breaking point there happy to take your money for the kids but won't let you see them I love my kids with all my hart just hope I see you again soon boys ?
Disco1986 - 16-Jun-21 @ 3:04 PM
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